A bi-weekly review club for LND PRs

What is this?  A club for reviewing LND PRs every second Thursday of the month at 17:00 UTC in the #review-club channel on LND Developer Community Slack.

What’s it for?  To help newer contributors learn about the LND review process. The review club is not primarily intended to help open PRs get merged (although that might be a nice side-effect).

Who should take part?  Anyone who wants to learn about contributing to LND. All are welcome to come and ask questions!

What’s the benefit for participants?  Reviewing and testing PRs is the best way to start contributing to LND, but it’s difficult to know where to start. There are hundreds of open PRs, many require a lot of contextual knowledge, and contributors and reviewers often use unfamiliar terminology. The review club will give you the tools and knowledge you need in order to take part in the LND review process on GitHub.

How do I take part? Just show up on Slack! See Attending your first PR Review Club for more tips on how to participate.

Who runs this?  Lightning Labs evangelist lucasdcf started the review club and schedules the upcoming meetings. Individual meetings are hosted by a variety of LND contributors. See some of our previous hosts.

Upcoming Meetings

» #8512 [3/4] - lnwallet/chancloser: add new protofsm based RBF chan closer (channel closing) hosted by ProofOfKeags

We’re always looking for interesting PRs to discuss in the review club and for volunteer hosts to lead the discussion:

Recent Meetings

» #8545 don't use sweeper unconfirmed utxos (utxo sweeping) hosted by ziggie1984
» #8136 Probing for more reliable route fee estimation (routing) hosted by JssDWt
» #8052 sqldb: InvoiceDB implementation (database, invoices) hosted by positiveblue
» #6703 htlcswitch: add inbound routing fees receive support (routing) hosted by ziggie1984

See all meetings.

Other Resources for New Contributors